
Closing The Door
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

Closing The Door

The old saying goes, "When one door closes, another door opens." I've been thinking about that a lot lately. Recently, we've seen a lot of doors open up in front of us, and I had kind of forgotten about the impact of the one's closing. But that's how it goes. That's how life works, and we can end up living with a lot of bittersweetness.

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The Money Behind A Dream
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

The Money Behind A Dream

I think one thing that people struggle with when it comes to dreams, especially when making that list of 100, is that they end up feeling very materialistic. Most people want to stay away from that feeling. It’s not like materialistic people have ever been represented as the good guys in any show we’ve seen. I want to explain some of the reasons this happens, though, and what it all points back to so that maybe you will be encouraged to continue making that list.

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Just Keep Showing Up
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

Just Keep Showing Up

Consistency will always be the number one thing I preach when it comes to dream achievement. The most significant factor to our success is going to be showing up. Most of the time, this means showing up well, but it also means showing up when the best we have to give isn’t very much.

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The Bittersweet Anniversary
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

The Bittersweet Anniversary

Yesterday marked exactly four years since we moved to Oklahoma. My husband got home from SERE on December 6th, 2019, and as soon as the weekend was over, he did the last of his out-processing from Tyndall Air Force Base. We hit the road and started the 14.5-hour drive to Oklahoma City.

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How Can I Help?
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

How Can I Help?

Sorry for the delay in getting Friday’s post up. Honestly, I didn’t even realize that it was Friday until about 11:30 last night. Things are crazy around here, if that gives you any context for how out of it we’ve been. I did spend the day in Kansas City with my dad, sister, and some friends and got to see some excellent training that both opened up and answered the questions I’ve been asking recently.

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The Precursor To Chili’s Advice
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

The Precursor To Chili’s Advice

I hope everyone appreciated Chili’s words of wisdom from Monday. I definitely had to utilize them last night as I hit my breaking point of stress with this PCS. I realized yesterday, though, while listening to a podcast, that Chili’s advice only works when people are ready to be strong.

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Chili’s Words Of Wisdom
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

Chili’s Words Of Wisdom

I’m going to stop promising when the PCS checklist will come out. It will be on the blog sooner rather than later, but my own PCS prep is consuming my world right now. And I want to be thorough with what I give y’all so that it actually helps. So today, let’s talk about Bluey.

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The Power Of Morale
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

The Power Of Morale

I know I said that today's post would be a compiled PCS guide. I've been working on it for a few hours, and it is nowhere near done, so that post will go up on Monday. Today, I wanted to talk instead about morale.

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PCS Season
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

PCS Season

I know it’s not technically PCS season since the winter cycle is usually much smaller than the summer one, but it does feel like open season for my stress levels. So, I want to focus on this process a bit to help myself and hopefully anyone else going through it. I’ve talked a little about buying a house in Georgia and selling our Oklahoma house. But there is so much more to the process. It’s never as simple as going from one place to another.

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Trust Your Gut
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

Trust Your Gut

It was strange buying a house without my husband. We are PCSIng to Georgia in January, but we have too many trips planned over the next few months, so we couldn't spare any leave for my husband to look with me. My mom, my son, and I went out to look. Between two trips, we saw 26 houses, which my husband would never have sat through, though I don't know many people who would have had the patience to do that in the first place, so maybe it did work out.

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Surviving And Thriving through The Holidays
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

Surviving And Thriving through The Holidays

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We ended up having a wonderful time with a close friend's family. It was definitely touch and go for a bit, though, as to whether we would be doing anything at all. I was starting to feel really sad about the idea of skipping the holiday, as you can tell from Wednesday's post. Thanksgiving has been an interesting holiday for us in military life.

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Establishing The New Traditions
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

Establishing The New Traditions

This is the first year that life in the military has really messed with the holiday season. My husband has missed half of our Thanksgiving Day celebrations, but I still spent those at home with family. And as much as I enjoy Thanksgiving, it is not my favorite holiday. But this year, the military is coming after my Christmas/Hanukkah celebration.

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Living In The In-Between
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

Living In The In-Between

I am struggling to live in the in-between right now. It seems like the worst time of year for this transition to be happening. We move to Georgia no later than January 20th. We are in the process of selling our house and buying a new one. My husband is out-processing while trying to stay current and being told he’s a low priority.

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Making Multiple Dreams Come True At Once
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

Making Multiple Dreams Come True At Once

So, how exactly does one go about having five dreams come true within the span of a week? Well, first, it starts with having five dreams. It’s hard to make that many come true if we don’t have them to begin with. But the reality is that we need more than five dreams. We talked about it months ago, but I want to revisit our list of 100 dreams.

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A Week Of Dream Come Trues
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

A Week Of Dream Come Trues

Either everything matters, or nothing matters. That’s why I believe dreams can be massive earth-shattering things or simple everyday moments. We have to have both, and we have to have a bunch of them. Maybe all of our dreams won’t come true. In fact, I can almost guarantee they won’t. We all have an expiration date on this earth, and will definitely leave things unfinished.

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The Wishing Steps
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

The Wishing Steps

Moving on from the comedy show (although I'm sure I'll keep referencing it because it was fantastic), but sticking with my Ireland trip, let's talk about the Blarney Estate. Blarney Castle is located in Cork, Ireland, and is probably most famous for the Blarney Stone. The stone is located at the top of the castle and is said to grant whoever kisses it the gift of eloquence. As someone whose dream is to speak in front of audiences, it was a must.

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He’s Just A Boy
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

He’s Just A Boy

Part two of what I learned at the James Acaster: Hecklers Welcome comedy show is that we must protect the child. James shared that growing up, anytime he was in some sort of audience, where some sort of performer was doing something, his immediate life goal became to do whatever the performer was doing. At some point during his kindergarten year (or whatever they call it in the U.K.), his grandmother came in to teach the class about weaving.

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Hecklers Welcome
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

Hecklers Welcome

Sunday night, I attended a comedy show written and performed by one of my favorite comedians, James Acaster. We bought these tickets months ago and then promptly planned a trip to Ireland to use them. He hasn't gone on tour very much, and it's been a while since he's been to the U.S. (although I was considering driving the 7 hours to Austin to see him last year when I was 8.5 months pregnant, but the show sold out too quickly). All that to say, this was a dream come true, and I immensely enjoyed the show. In my husband's words, "It met and exceeded expectations."

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Maybe We Aren’t As Far As We Think We Are
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

Maybe We Aren’t As Far As We Think We Are

Often, the biggest thing holding us back from our dreams lies between our ears. It's the constant battle that we face in our head between everything that we know we've been and everything that we know we can become. It's the thing that keeps us from asking for what we want. It's the thing that keeps us from trying new things. It's the thing that keeps us from changing our lives.

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Sometimes Our Dreams Smack Us In The Face
High Five High Five

Sometimes Our Dreams Smack Us In The Face

Sometimes, our dreams smack us in the face, in a good way. At least, that's what happened to me when the speaker talked about the buyback loop at the conference I recently attended. When he said, "We need to delegate before we hit the pain point. Otherwise, we do it from a negative space," that hit me right where I needed it.

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