
An Encounter With Fear
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

An Encounter With Fear

There is usually one thing that stops all of us from moving forward with our dreams. We will all come up against different obstacles, and a lot of them probably won't be universal problems (I do want to help you overcome the unique obstacles you face in your life, which is why I am designing a one-on-one coaching course that will launch soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that).

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3 Reasons That We Build Our Dream Out
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

3 Reasons That We Build Our Dream Out

Dreams require fullness and completeness to them. We will need this to maintain our commitment in our journey to achieve them. There will be plenty of bad days and hard days along the way simply because this is life. It was never meant to be easy to achieve our dreams. But in a way, that is what makes dreams so worthwhile.

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What the Jewish Prayer of Healing Says About Our Dreams
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

What the Jewish Prayer of Healing Says About Our Dreams

I have been thinking a lot about the Jewish prayer for healing, Mi Shebeirach (Me Sha-bay-rock. I don’t actually know how to do the sound-it-out spelling of words, but hopefully that gives you an idea). My son has a white noise piano lullaby soundtrack that he listens to when he has a hard time sleeping. The soundtrack promises to put you to sleep in five minutes, which has never happened to us. But when nothing else works, that seems to help at least a little.

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2 Keys to Consistency
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

2 Keys to Consistency

To celebrate the beginning of June, I want to highlight one of the keys that will be most important to our success in dream chasing: consistency. Yesterday marked two months of my website being live. It marked 27 blog posts that were consistently posted on the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday schedule I had planned for. It marked 38,644 words written (my current manuscript has 64,942 words which is about 105 regular printed pages to give you a little bit of context).

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The Last Piece of Our Cartel
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

The Last Piece of Our Cartel

I want to wrap up this cartel conversation with the remaining source. I don't have a great name to call this collection of people on your team, but that doesn't make them any less valuable. These are the people in your life who don't live locally and aren't necessarily family (although for many of them, we probably would consider them family). This is a tribe we are all very familiar with as military spouses.

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The Local Cartel
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

The Local Cartel

Here's the thing about my family cartel (Special Happy Birthday shout-out to my dad today), aside from my husband and son, they live halfway across the country. And while I know my family would be on the first flight over if I needed them, sometimes my need isn't big enough to justify a flight. I have needs from chasing my dreams and building a life I love that aren't met as easily by people who live multiple states away. That's why I have my Oklahoma City cartel.

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The Family Cartel
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

The Family Cartel

You can call your support system whatever you want. It is entirely yours to decide. I call mine a cartel. I chose the word, cartel because, at its core, a cartel is a collection of parties working together for a mutual interest. And that's exactly what my support system is. Everyone in it is working in one way or another to help me reach my dream. I do the same for them. It doesn't matter what the method of contribution is. Some members will contribute lots, and some will only contribute a little, but they all work together for the greater goal. Plus, I always liked the idea of living the glamorous criminal life that I see on some of my favorite TV shows, so I can bring a little bit of that into my life by using this term.

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3 Times We Need Support When Chasing A Dream
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

3 Times We Need Support When Chasing A Dream

On Monday, I introduced the concept of support, which will be essential during every stage of chasing our dreams. Today, I want to discuss how support works in each stage of chasing a dream. We need support at all levels, and as much as our dreams are our responsibility, we do not have to take this journey alone. We are chasing our dreams for ourselves, but we do not have to do it by ourselves.

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The Best Mother’s Day Gift We Can Give Ourselves
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

The Best Mother’s Day Gift We Can Give Ourselves

This post is a week late, but I wanted to wish a Happy Mother's Day to those that were celebrated. I know not everyone reading this post falls into the category of Mother, but please bear with me because I think this is important for everyone to hear. This was my first Mother's Day as a mom, and my husband made me feel very special and appreciated. My son gave us both the gift of sleeping in until 8 am (a personal best) and showing us how he could roll over from back to front (up until now, he's only done it when we weren't looking). It was a wonderful day, and I am grateful that my family was whole for it, especially since we had that deployment scare a few weeks back.

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Saying Goodbye To My Dream
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

Saying Goodbye To My Dream

I want to get really vulnerable today and talk about a dream that I let go of. I’ve let go of dreams that didn’t mean a significant amount to me, like seeing a band or comedian when I didn’t like their new material as much. But the dream I want to talk about today was a big one. It was one that I cherished deeply and had aspired to for many years. When the time came to pursue it, though, other dreams took over, and I decided to let go of something that was once very important to me.

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4 Reasons To Let Go of A Dream
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

4 Reasons To Let Go of A Dream

We discussed some bad reasons to let go of a dream on Monday. Today, let's talk about some genuine reasons for letting go of a dream. This is something that almost everyone will experience at some point in their lives. If you made a list of 100 dreams, you know that some were far more special than others. For many of us, the ones we cherish less are the smaller dreams. But there are times when we decide to let go of bigger dreams. The reasons from Monday may factor into why we choose to stop pursuing something, but they cannot be the only reason. So, here are four reasons that we may decide to let go of a dream.

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4 Reasons Not To Let Go of A Dream
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

4 Reasons Not To Let Go of A Dream

I've mentioned a few times and repeated it in my post on Friday that sometimes we let go of dreams. Some of those graduates will enter the "real" world only to discover that they need to let go of the dreams they left college with. So when do we do this? First, let me share some reasons why we should not abandon a dream. Letting go of a dream is a big deal. It can be like letting go of a past version of yourself, and while that doesn't mean it won't be the right thing to do, it does mean that it is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly.

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It’s Not Monday Yet
Sarah Hartley Sarah Hartley

It’s Not Monday Yet

Last week my son and I were lucky enough to attend one of my cousin's college graduations. Somehow our family has managed to make living halfway across the country from one another, feel not so far. It is always a joyous celebration watching thousands of people realize their dream of getting a degree, whether it was a bachelors, masters, or doctorate; it was easy to see how proud each of them was of their accomplishment.

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What Is Required To Ready, Fire, Aim
High Five High Five

What Is Required To Ready, Fire, Aim

Hopefully, you had the chance to read my post on Monday about the ready, fire, aim technique. If you haven't, go ahead and check it out. If you want the TLDR version, though, here it is: We ready ourselves by collecting as much information as possible, but once we have reached about 75% prepared, we fire off our plan and correct our aim later. The point of this technique is to start taking action and avoid getting caught up in a cycle of trying to create the perfect plan. Here's the thing about the ready, fire, aim technique, though, it requires two things from us to actually work.

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Ready, Fire, Aim
High Five High Five

Ready, Fire, Aim

We are going to talk a lot, from now on, about the keys to making a great and workable plan. But remember, a plan can only take us so far. It does not matter how much information we have or how prepared we are because if we never take action, we will never get anywhere. We cannot wait until our plan is perfect to start taking action. This would be like planning a trip to Disney World but not leaving until you knew there would be no red lights along the way. Honestly, we wouldn’t make it to the grocery store with that strategy.

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Life Cycle of a Dream
High Five High Five

Life Cycle of a Dream

As we go through the process of beginning to achieve our dreams, I want to differentiate some terms. When we read books from the self-help industry, these terms are often used interchangeably. In many ways, they do mean something along the same line, but they actually represent different stages in the life cycle of a dream. I use dream as the overarching term simply because it is my favorite, but you could refer to it as the life cycle of anything on this list.

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How To Make All Our Dreams Come True
High Five High Five

How To Make All Our Dreams Come True

Now that we have our dreams and are armed with hope, we can begin to achieve. Today, I want to introduce my simple, foolproof plan to fulfill every one of your dreams. It doesn't matter if the dream is as big as becoming an astronaut who travels to Mars or if it is as simple as seeing a band perform when they come to town in a few months.

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The One Thing We Must Never Lose
High Five High Five

The One Thing We Must Never Lose

I have spent the last week in limbo, waiting for my world to come crashing down. My husband and I waited on a departure date for an impending deployment. We waited on news that never came. It was an emotionally exhausting week.

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Still Time to Dream
High Five High Five

Still Time to Dream

I hope you enjoyed the exercises from Wednesday and took some time to really think about your dreams. If you didn’t, though, now is your chance. I will keep today’s post short and sweet so you can use the 5-10 minutes you would normally spend reading my post to start your list of dreams. And once that time is up, if you’re on a roll, then don’t stop!

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The Way to Find all Desires of Your Heart
High Five High Five

The Way to Find all Desires of Your Heart

As promised, here are some exercises to find your dreams. Don't stop at just one dream. Remember, dreams come in all shapes and sizes, and while our plans will usually focus on one dream at a time, we will often discover that we can accomplish other dreams along the way simply because we already know what they are.

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